Source code for fontParts.base.segment

from fontParts.base.errors import FontPartsError
from fontParts.base.base import (
from fontParts.base import normalizers
from fontParts.base.deprecated import DeprecatedSegment, RemovedSegment
from fontParts.base.compatibility import SegmentCompatibilityReporter

[docs]class BaseSegment( BaseObject, TransformationMixin, InterpolationMixin, SelectionMixin, DeprecatedSegment, RemovedSegment ): def _setPoints(self, points): if hasattr(self, "_points"): raise AssertionError("segment has points") self._points = points def _reprContents(self): contents = [ "%s" % self.type, ] if self.index is not None: contents.append("index='%r'" % self.index) return contents # this class should not be used in hashable # collections since it is dynamically generated. __hash__ = None # ------- # Parents # ------- # Contour _contour = None contour = dynamicProperty("contour", "The segment's parent contour.") def _get_contour(self): if self._contour is None: return None return self._contour() def _set_contour(self, contour): if self._contour is not None: raise AssertionError("contour for segment already set") if contour is not None: contour = reference(contour) self._contour = contour # Glyph glyph = dynamicProperty("glyph", "The segment's parent glyph.") def _get_glyph(self): if self._contour is None: return None return self.contour.glyph # Layer layer = dynamicProperty("layer", "The segment's parent layer.") def _get_layer(self): if self._contour is None: return None return self.glyph.layer # Font font = dynamicProperty("font", "The segment's parent font.") def _get_font(self): if self._contour is None: return None return self.glyph.font # -------- # Equality # -------- def __eq__(self, other): """ The :meth:`BaseObject.__eq__` method can't be used here because the :class:`BaseContour` implementation contructs segment objects without assigning an underlying ``naked`` object. Therefore, comparisons will always fail. This method overrides the base method and compares the :class:`BasePoint` contained by the segment. Subclasses may override this method. """ if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.points == other.points return NotImplemented # -------------- # Identification # -------------- index = dynamicProperty("base_index", ("The index of the segment within the ordered " "list of the parent contour's segments.") ) def _get_base_index(self): if self.contour is None: return None value = self._get_index() value = normalizers.normalizeIndex(value) return value
[docs] def _get_index(self): """ Subclasses may override this method. """ contour = self.contour value = contour.segments.index(self) return value
# ---------- # Attributes # ---------- type = dynamicProperty("base_type", ("The segment type. The possible types are " "move, line, curve, qcurve.") ) def _get_base_type(self): value = self._get_type() value = normalizers.normalizeSegmentType(value) return value def _set_base_type(self, value): value = normalizers.normalizeSegmentType(value) self._set_type(value)
[docs] def _get_type(self): """ Subclasses may override this method. """ onCurve = self.onCurve if onCurve is None: return "qcurve" return onCurve.type
[docs] def _set_type(self, newType): """ Subclasses may override this method. """ oldType = self.type if oldType == newType: return if self.onCurve is None: # special case with a single qcurve segment # and only offcurves, don't convert return contour = self.contour if contour is None: raise FontPartsError("The segment does not belong to a contour.") # converting line <-> move if newType in ("move", "line") and oldType in ("move", "line"): pass # converting to a move or line elif newType not in ("curve", "qcurve"): offCurves = self.offCurve for point in offCurves: contour.removePoint(point) # converting a line/move to a curve/qcurve else: segments = contour.segments i = segments.index(self) prev = segments[i - 1].onCurve on = self.onCurve x = on.x y = on.y points = contour.points i = points.index(on) contour.insertPoint(i, (x, y), "offcurve") off2 = contour.points[i] contour.insertPoint(i, (prev.x, prev.y), "offcurve") off1 = contour.points[i] del self._points self._setPoints((off1, off2, on)) self.onCurve.type = newType
smooth = dynamicProperty("base_smooth", ("Boolean indicating if the segment is " "smooth or not.") ) def _get_base_smooth(self): value = self._get_smooth() value = normalizers.normalizeBoolean(value) return value def _set_base_smooth(self, value): value = normalizers.normalizeBoolean(value) self._set_smooth(value)
[docs] def _get_smooth(self): """ Subclasses may override this method. """ onCurve = self.onCurve if onCurve is None: return True return onCurve.smooth
[docs] def _set_smooth(self, value): """ Subclasses may override this method. """ onCurve = self.onCurve if onCurve is not None: self.onCurve.smooth = value
# ------ # Points # ------ def __getitem__(self, index): return self._getItem(index)
[docs] def _getItem(self, index): """ Subclasses may override this method. """ return self.points[index]
def __iter__(self): return self._iterPoints()
[docs] def _iterPoints(self, **kwargs): """ Subclasses may override this method. """ points = self.points count = len(points) index = 0 while count: yield points[index] count -= 1 index += 1
def __len__(self): return self._len()
[docs] def _len(self, **kwargs): """ Subclasses may override this method. """ return len(self.points)
points = dynamicProperty("base_points", "A list of points in the segment.") def _get_base_points(self): return tuple(self._get_points())
[docs] def _get_points(self): """ Subclasses may override this method. """ if not hasattr(self, "_points"): return tuple() return tuple(self._points)
onCurve = dynamicProperty("base_onCurve", "The on curve point in the segment.") def _get_base_onCurve(self): return self._get_onCurve()
[docs] def _get_onCurve(self): """ Subclasses may override this method. """ value = self.points[-1] if value.type == "offcurve": return None return value
offCurve = dynamicProperty("base_offCurve", "The off curve points in the segment.")
[docs] def _get_base_offCurve(self): """ Subclasses may override this method. """ return self._get_offCurve()
[docs] def _get_offCurve(self): """ Subclasses may override this method. """ if self.points and self.points[-1].type == "offcurve": return self.points return self.points[:-1]
# -------------- # Transformation # --------------
[docs] def _transformBy(self, matrix, **kwargs): """ Subclasses may override this method. """ for point in self.points: point.transformBy(matrix)
# ------------- # Interpolation # ------------- compatibilityReporterClass = SegmentCompatibilityReporter def isCompatible(self, other): """ Evaluate interpolation compatibility with **other**. :: >>> compatible, report = self.isCompatible(otherSegment) >>> compatible False >>> compatible [Fatal] Segment: [0] + [0] [Fatal] Segment: [0] is line | [0] is move [Fatal] Segment: [1] + [1] [Fatal] Segment: [1] is line | [1] is qcurve This will return a ``bool`` indicating if the segment is compatible for interpolation with **other** and a :ref:`type-string` of compatibility notes. """ return super(BaseSegment, self).isCompatible(other, BaseSegment) def _isCompatible(self, other, reporter): """ This is the environment implementation of :meth:`BaseSegment.isCompatible`. Subclasses may override this method. """ segment1 = self segment2 = other # type if segment1.type != segment2.type: # line <-> curve can be converted if set((segment1.type, segment2.type)) != set(("curve", "line")): reporter.typeDifference = True reporter.fatal = True # ---- # Misc # ----
[docs] def round(self): """ Round coordinates in all points. """ for point in self.points: point.round()