Source code for

import os
import glob

[docs] def OpenFonts(directory=None, showInterface=True, fileExtensions=None): """ Open all fonts with the given **fileExtensions** located in **directory**. If **directory** is ``None``, a dialog for selecting a directory will be opened. **directory** may also be a list of directories. If **showInterface** is ``False``, the font should be opened without graphical interface. The default for **showInterface** is ``True``. The fonts are located within the directory using the `glob` <>`_ module. The patterns are created with ``os.path.join(glob, "*" + fileExtension)`` for every file extension in ``fileExtensions``. If ``fileExtensions`` if ``None`` the environment will use its default fileExtensions. :: from import * fonts = OpenFonts() fonts = OpenFonts(showInterface=False) """ from fontParts.ui import GetFileOrFolder if fileExtensions is None: fileExtensions = dispatcher["OpenFontsFileExtensions"] if isinstance(directory, str): directories = [directory] elif directory is None: directories = GetFileOrFolder(allowsMultipleSelection=True) else: directories = directory if directories: globPatterns = [] for directory in directories: if os.path.splitext(directory)[-1] in fileExtensions: globPatterns.append(directory) elif not os.path.isdir(directory): pass else: for ext in fileExtensions: globPatterns.append(os.path.join(directory, "*" + ext)) paths = [] for pattern in globPatterns: paths.extend(glob.glob(pattern)) for path in paths: yield OpenFont(path, showInterface=showInterface)
[docs] def OpenFont(path, showInterface=True): """ Open font located at **path**. If **showInterface** is ``False``, the font should be opened without graphical interface. The default for **showInterface** is ``True``. :: from import * font = OpenFont("/path/to/my/font.ufo") font = OpenFont("/path/to/my/font.ufo", showInterface=False) """ return dispatcher["OpenFont"](pathOrObject=path, showInterface=showInterface)
[docs] def NewFont(familyName=None, styleName=None, showInterface=True): """ Create a new font. **familyName** will be assigned to ```` and **styleName** will be assigned to ````. These are optional and default to ``None``. If **showInterface** is ``False``, the font should be created without graphical interface. The default for **showInterface** is ``True``. :: from import * font = NewFont() font = NewFont(familyName="My Family", styleName="My Style") font = NewFont(showInterface=False) """ return dispatcher["NewFont"](familyName=familyName, styleName=styleName, showInterface=showInterface)
[docs] def CurrentFont(): """ Get the "current" font. """ return dispatcher["CurrentFont"]()
[docs] def CurrentGlyph(): """ Get the "current" glyph from :func:`CurrentFont`. :: from import * glyph = CurrentGlyph() """ return dispatcher["CurrentGlyph"]()
[docs] def CurrentLayer(): """ Get the "current" layer from :func:`CurrentGlyph`. :: from import * layer = CurrentLayer() """ return dispatcher["CurrentLayer"]()
[docs] def CurrentContours(): """ Get the "currently" selected contours from :func:`CurrentGlyph`. :: from import * contours = CurrentContours() This returns an immutable list, even when nothing is selected. """ return dispatcher["CurrentContours"]()
def _defaultCurrentContours(): glyph = CurrentGlyph() if glyph is None: return () return glyph.selectedContours
[docs] def CurrentSegments(): """ Get the "currently" selected segments from :func:`CurrentContours`. :: from import * segments = CurrentSegments() This returns an immutable list, even when nothing is selected. """ return dispatcher["CurrentSegments"]()
def _defaultCurrentSegments(): glyph = CurrentGlyph() if glyph is None: return () segments = [] for contour in glyph.selectedContours: segments.extend(contour.selectedSegments) return tuple(segments)
[docs] def CurrentPoints(): """ Get the "currently" selected points from :func:`CurrentContours`. :: from import * points = CurrentPoints() This returns an immutable list, even when nothing is selected. """ return dispatcher["CurrentPoints"]()
def _defaultCurrentPoints(): glyph = CurrentGlyph() if glyph is None: return () points = [] for contour in glyph.selectedContours: points.extend(contour.selectedPoints) return tuple(points)
[docs] def CurrentComponents(): """ Get the "currently" selected components from :func:`CurrentGlyph`. :: from import * components = CurrentComponents() This returns an immutable list, even when nothing is selected. """ return dispatcher["CurrentComponents"]()
def _defaultCurrentComponents(): glyph = CurrentGlyph() if glyph is None: return () return glyph.selectedComponents
[docs] def CurrentAnchors(): """ Get the "currently" selected anchors from :func:`CurrentGlyph`. :: from import * anchors = CurrentAnchors() This returns an immutable list, even when nothing is selected. """ return dispatcher["CurrentAnchors"]()
def _defaultCurrentAnchors(): glyph = CurrentGlyph() if glyph is None: return () return glyph.selectedAnchors
[docs] def CurrentGuidelines(): """ Get the "currently" selected guidelines from :func:`CurrentGlyph`. This will include both font level and glyph level guidelines. :: from import * guidelines = CurrentGuidelines() This returns an immutable list, even when nothing is selected. """ return dispatcher["CurrentGuidelines"]()
def _defaultCurrentGuidelines(): guidelines = [] font = CurrentFont() if font is not None: guidelines.extend(font.selectedGuidelines) glyph = CurrentGlyph() if glyph is not None: guidelines.extend(glyph.selectedGuidelines) return tuple(guidelines)
[docs] def AllFonts(sortOptions=None): """ Get a list of all open fonts. Optionally, provide a value for ``sortOptions`` to sort the fonts. See :meth:`world.FontList.sortBy` for options. :: from import * fonts = AllFonts() for font in fonts: # do something fonts = AllFonts("magic") for font in fonts: # do something fonts = AllFonts(["familyName", "styleName"]) for font in fonts: # do something """ fontList = FontList(dispatcher["AllFonts"]()) if sortOptions is not None: fontList.sortBy(sortOptions) return fontList
def RFont(path=None, showInterface=True): return dispatcher["RFont"](pathOrObject=path, showInterface=showInterface) def RGlyph(): return dispatcher["RGlyph"]() # --------- # Font List # ---------
[docs] def FontList(fonts=None): """ Get a list with font specific methods. :: from import * fonts = FontList() Refer to :class:`BaseFontList` for full documentation. """ l = dispatcher["FontList"]() if fonts: l.extend(fonts) return l
[docs] class BaseFontList(list): # Sort def sortBy(self, sortOptions, reverse=False): """ Sort ``fonts`` with the ordering preferences defined by ``sortBy``. ``sortBy`` must be one of the following: * sort description string * :class:`BaseInfo` attribute name * sort value function * list/tuple containing sort description strings, :class:`BaseInfo` attribute names and/or sort value functions * ``"magic"`` Sort Description Strings ------------------------ The sort description strings, and how they modify the sort, are: +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ | ``"familyName"`` | Family names by alphabetical order. | +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ | ``"styleName"`` | Style names by alphabetical order. | +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ | ``"isItalic"`` | Italics before romans. | +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ | ``"isRoman"`` | Romans before italics. | +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ | ``"widthValue"`` | Width values by numerical order. | +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ | ``"weightValue"`` | Weight values by numerical order. | +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ | ``"monospace"`` | Monospaced before proportional. | +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ | ``"proportional"`` | Proportional before monospaced. | +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ :: >>> fonts.sortBy(("familyName", "styleName")) Font Info Attribute Names ------------------------- Any :class:`BaseFont` attribute name may be included as a sort option. For example, to sort by x-height value, you'd use the ``"xHeight"`` attribute name. :: >>> fonts.sortBy("xHeight") Sort Value Function ------------------- A sort value function must be a function that accepts one argument, ``font``. This function must return a sortable value for the given font. For example: :: def glyphCountSortValue(font): return len(font) >>> fonts.sortBy(glyphCountSortValue) A list of sort description strings and/or sort functions may also be provided. This should be in order of most to least important. For example, to sort by family name and then style name, do this: "magic" ------- If "magic" is given for ``sortBy``, the fonts will be sorted based on this sort description sequence: * ``"familyName"`` * ``"isProportional"`` * ``"widthValue"`` * ``"weightValue"`` * ``"styleName"`` * ``"isRoman"`` :: >>> fonts.sortBy("magic") """ from types import FunctionType valueGetters = dict( familyName=_sortValue_familyName, styleName=_sortValue_styleName, isRoman=_sortValue_isRoman, isItalic=_sortValue_isItalic, widthValue=_sortValue_widthValue, weightValue=_sortValue_weightValue, isProportional=_sortValue_isProportional, isMonospace=_sortValue_isMonospace ) if isinstance(sortOptions, str) or isinstance(sortOptions, FunctionType): sortOptions = [sortOptions] if not isinstance(sortOptions, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("sortOptions must a string, list or function.") if not sortOptions: raise ValueError("At least one sort option must be defined.") if sortOptions == ["magic"]: sortOptions = [ "familyName", "isProportional", "widthValue", "weightValue", "styleName", "isRoman" ] sorter = [] for originalIndex, font in enumerate(self): sortable = [] for valueName in sortOptions: if isinstance(valueName, FunctionType): value = valueName(font) elif valueName in valueGetters: value = valueGetters[valueName](font) elif hasattr(, valueName): value = getattr(, valueName) else: raise ValueError("Unknown sort option: %s" % repr(valueName)) sortable.append(value) sortable.append(originalIndex) sortable.append(font) sorter.append(tuple(sortable)) sorter.sort() fonts = [i[-1] for i in sorter] del self[:] self.extend(fonts) if reverse: self.reverse() # Search def getFontsByFontInfoAttribute(self, *attributeValuePairs): """ Get a list of fonts that match the (attribute, value) combinations in ``attributeValuePairs``. :: >>> subFonts = fonts.getFontsByFontInfoAttribute(("xHeight", 20)) >>> subFonts = fonts.getFontsByFontInfoAttribute(("xHeight", 20), ("descender", -150)) This will return an instance of :class:`BaseFontList`. """ found = self for attr, value in attributeValuePairs: found = self._matchFontInfoAttributes(found, (attr, value)) return found def _matchFontInfoAttributes(self, fonts, attributeValuePair): found = self.__class__() attr, value = attributeValuePair for font in fonts: if getattr(, attr) == value: found.append(font) return found def getFontsByFamilyName(self, familyName): """ Get a list of fonts that match ``familyName``. This will return an instance of :class:`BaseFontList`. """ return self.getFontsByFontInfoAttribute(("familyName", familyName)) def getFontsByStyleName(self, styleName): """ Get a list of fonts that match ``styleName``. This will return an instance of :class:`BaseFontList`. """ return self.getFontsByFontInfoAttribute(("styleName", styleName)) def getFontsByFamilyNameStyleName(self, familyName, styleName): """ Get a list of fonts that match ``familyName`` and ``styleName``. This will return an instance of :class:`BaseFontList`. """ return self.getFontsByFontInfoAttribute(("familyName", familyName), ("styleName", styleName))
def _sortValue_familyName(font): """ Returns """ value = if value is None: value = "" return value def _sortValue_styleName(font): """ Returns """ value = if value is None: value = "" return value def _sortValue_isRoman(font): """ Returns 0 if the font is roman. Returns 1 if the font is not roman. """ italic = _sortValue_isItalic(font) if italic == 1: return 0 return 1 def _sortValue_isItalic(font): """ Returns 0 if the font is italic. Returns 1 if the font is not italic. """ info = styleMapStyleName = info.styleMapStyleName if styleMapStyleName is not None and "italic" in styleMapStyleName: return 0 if info.italicAngle not in (None, 0): return 0 return 1 def _sortValue_widthValue(font): """ Returns """ value = if value is None: value = -1 return value def _sortValue_weightValue(font): """ Returns """ value = if value is None: value = -1 return value def _sortValue_isProportional(font): """ Returns 0 if the font is proportional. Returns 1 if the font is not proportional. """ monospace = _sortValue_isMonospace(font) if monospace == 1: return 0 return 1 def _sortValue_isMonospace(font): """ Returns 0 if the font is monospace. Returns 1 if the font is not monospace. """ if return 0 if not len(font): return 1 testWidth = None for glyph in font: if testWidth is None: testWidth = glyph.width else: if testWidth != glyph.width: return 1 return 0 # ---------- # Dispatcher # ---------- class _EnvironmentDispatcher(object): def __init__(self, registryItems): self._registry = {item: None for item in registryItems} def __setitem__(self, name, func): self._registry[name] = func def __getitem__(self, name): func = self._registry[name] if func is None: raise NotImplementedError return func dispatcher = _EnvironmentDispatcher([ "OpenFontsFileExtensions", "OpenFont", "NewFont", "AllFonts", "CurrentFont", "CurrentGlyph", "CurrentLayer", "CurrentContours", "CurrentSegments", "CurrentPoints", "CurrentComponents", "CurrentAnchors", "CurrentGuidelines", "FontList", "RFont", "RLayer", "RGlyph", "RContour", "RPoint", "RAnchor", "RComponent", "RGuideline", "RImage", "RInfo", "RFeatures", "RGroups", "RKerning", "RLib", ]) # Register the default functions. dispatcher["CurrentContours"] = _defaultCurrentContours dispatcher["CurrentSegments"] = _defaultCurrentSegments dispatcher["CurrentPoints"] = _defaultCurrentPoints dispatcher["CurrentComponents"] = _defaultCurrentComponents dispatcher["CurrentAnchors"] = _defaultCurrentAnchors dispatcher["CurrentGuidelines"] = _defaultCurrentGuidelines dispatcher["FontList"] = BaseFontList # ------- # fontshell # ------- try: from fontParts import fontshell # OpenFonts dispatcher["OpenFontsFileExtensions"] = [".ufo"] # OpenFont, RFont def _fontshellRFont(pathOrObject=None, showInterface=True): return fontshell.RFont(pathOrObject=pathOrObject, showInterface=showInterface) dispatcher["OpenFont"] = _fontshellRFont dispatcher["RFont"] = _fontshellRFont # NewFont def _fontshellNewFont(familyName=None, styleName=None, showInterface=True): font = fontshell.RFont(showInterface=showInterface) if familyName is not None: = familyName if styleName is not None: = styleName return font dispatcher["NewFont"] = _fontshellNewFont # RLayer, RGlyph, RContour, RPoint, RAnchor, RComponent, RGuideline, RImage, RInfo, RFeatures, RGroups, RKerning, RLib dispatcher["RLayer"] = fontshell.RLayer dispatcher["RGlyph"] = fontshell.RGlyph dispatcher["RContour"] = fontshell.RContour dispatcher["RPoint"] = fontshell.RPoint dispatcher["RAnchor"] = fontshell.RAnchor dispatcher["RComponent"] = fontshell.RComponent dispatcher["RGuideline"] = fontshell.RGuideline dispatcher["RImage"] = fontshell.RImage dispatcher["RInfo"] = fontshell.RInfo dispatcher["RFeatures"] = fontshell.RFeatures dispatcher["RGroups"] = fontshell.RGroups dispatcher["RKerning"] = fontshell.RKerning dispatcher["RLib"] = fontshell.RLib except ImportError: pass