Source code for fontParts.base.guideline

import math
from fontTools.misc import transform
from fontParts.base.base import (
from fontParts.base import normalizers
from fontParts.base.compatibility import GuidelineCompatibilityReporter
from fontParts.base.color import Color
from fontParts.base.deprecated import DeprecatedGuideline, RemovedGuideline

[docs] class BaseGuideline( BaseObject, TransformationMixin, DeprecatedGuideline, RemovedGuideline, PointPositionMixin, InterpolationMixin, IdentifierMixin, SelectionMixin ): """ A guideline object. This object is almost always created with :meth:`BaseGlyph.appendGuideline`. An orphan guideline can be created like this:: >>> guideline = RGuideline() """ copyAttributes = ( "x", "y", "angle", "name", "color" ) def _reprContents(self): contents = [] if is not None: contents.append("'%s'" % if self.layer is not None: contents.append("('%s')" % return contents # ------- # Parents # ------- # Glyph _glyph = None glyph = dynamicProperty("glyph", "The guideline's parent :class:`BaseGlyph`.") def _get_glyph(self): if self._glyph is None: return None return self._glyph() def _set_glyph(self, glyph): if self._font is not None: raise AssertionError("font for guideline already set") if self._glyph is not None: raise AssertionError("glyph for guideline already set") if glyph is not None: glyph = reference(glyph) self._glyph = glyph # Layer layer = dynamicProperty("layer", "The guideline's parent :class:`BaseLayer`.") def _get_layer(self): if self._glyph is None: return None return self.glyph.layer # Font _font = None font = dynamicProperty("font", "The guideline's parent :class:`BaseFont`.") def _get_font(self): if self._font is not None: return self._font() elif self._glyph is not None: return self.glyph.font return None def _set_font(self, font): if self._font is not None: raise AssertionError("font for guideline already set") if self._glyph is not None: raise AssertionError("glyph for guideline already set") if font is not None: font = reference(font) self._font = font # -------- # Position # -------- # x x = dynamicProperty( "base_x", """ The x coordinate of the guideline. It must be an :ref:`type-int-float`. :: >>> guideline.x 100 >>> guideline.x = 101 """ ) def _get_base_x(self): value = self._get_x() if value is None: return 0 value = normalizers.normalizeX(value) return value def _set_base_x(self, value): if value is None: value = 0 else: value = normalizers.normalizeX(value) self._set_x(value)
[docs] def _get_x(self): """ This is the environment implementation of :attr:`BaseGuideline.x`. This must return an :ref:`type-int-float`. Subclasses must override this method. """ self.raiseNotImplementedError()
[docs] def _set_x(self, value): """ This is the environment implementation of :attr:`BaseGuideline.x`. **value** will be an :ref:`type-int-float`. Subclasses must override this method. """ self.raiseNotImplementedError()
# y y = dynamicProperty( "base_y", """ The y coordinate of the guideline. It must be an :ref:`type-int-float`. :: >>> guideline.y 100 >>> guideline.y = 101 """ ) def _get_base_y(self): value = self._get_y() if value is None: return 0 value = normalizers.normalizeY(value) return value def _set_base_y(self, value): if value is None: value = 0 else: value = normalizers.normalizeY(value) self._set_y(value)
[docs] def _get_y(self): """ This is the environment implementation of :attr:`BaseGuideline.y`. This must return an :ref:`type-int-float`. Subclasses must override this method. """ self.raiseNotImplementedError()
[docs] def _set_y(self, value): """ This is the environment implementation of :attr:`BaseGuideline.y`. **value** will be an :ref:`type-int-float`. Subclasses must override this method. """ self.raiseNotImplementedError()
# angle angle = dynamicProperty( "base_angle", """ The angle of the guideline. It must be an :ref:`type-angle`. Please check how :func:`normalizers.normalizeRotationAngle` handles the angle. There is a special case, when angle is ``None``. If so, when x and y are not 0, the angle will be 0. If x is 0 but y is not, the angle will be 0. If y is 0 and x is not, the angle will be 90. If both x and y are 0, the angle will be 0. :: >>> guideline.angle 45.0 >>> guideline.angle = 90 """ ) def _get_base_angle(self): value = self._get_angle() if value is None: if self._get_x() != 0 and self._get_y() != 0: value = 0 elif self._get_x() != 0 and self._get_y() == 0: value = 90 elif self._get_x() == 0 and self._get_y() != 0: value = 0 else: value = 0 value = normalizers.normalizeRotationAngle(value) return value def _set_base_angle(self, value): if value is None: if self._get_x() != 0 and self._get_y() != 0: value = 0 elif self._get_x() != 0 and self._get_y() == 0: value = 90 elif self._get_x() == 0 and self._get_y() != 0: value = 0 else: value = 0 value = normalizers.normalizeRotationAngle(value) self._set_angle(value)
[docs] def _get_angle(self): """ This is the environment implementation of :attr:`BaseGuideline.angle`. This must return an :ref:`type-angle`. Subclasses must override this method. """ self.raiseNotImplementedError()
[docs] def _set_angle(self, value): """ This is the environment implementation of :attr:`BaseGuideline.angle`. **value** will be an :ref:`type-angle`. Subclasses must override this method. """ self.raiseNotImplementedError()
# -------------- # Identification # -------------- # index index = dynamicProperty( "base_index", """ The index of the guideline within the ordered list of the parent glyph's guidelines. This attribute is read only. :: >>> guideline.index 0 """ ) def _get_base_index(self): value = self._get_index() value = normalizers.normalizeIndex(value) return value
[docs] def _get_index(self): """ Get the guideline's index. This must return an ``int``. Subclasses may override this method. """ glyph = self.glyph if glyph is not None: parent = glyph else: parent = self.font if parent is None: return None return parent.guidelines.index(self)
# name name = dynamicProperty( "base_name", """ The name of the guideline. This will be a :ref:`type-string` or ``None``. >>> 'my guideline' >>> = None """ ) def _get_base_name(self): value = self._get_name() if value is not None: value = normalizers.normalizeGuidelineName(value) return value def _set_base_name(self, value): if value is not None: value = normalizers.normalizeGuidelineName(value) self._set_name(value)
[docs] def _get_name(self): """ This is the environment implementation of :attr:``. This must return a :ref:`type-string` or ``None``. The returned value will be normalized with :func:`normalizers.normalizeGuidelineName`. Subclasses must override this method. """ self.raiseNotImplementedError()
[docs] def _set_name(self, value): """ This is the environment implementation of :attr:``. **value** will be a :ref:`type-string` or ``None``. It will have been normalized with :func:`normalizers.normalizeGuidelineName`. Subclasses must override this method. """ self.raiseNotImplementedError()
# color color = dynamicProperty( "base_color", """" The guideline's color. This will be a :ref:`type-color` or ``None``. :: >>> guideline.color None >>> guideline.color = (1, 0, 0, 0.5) """ ) def _get_base_color(self): value = self._get_color() if value is not None: value = normalizers.normalizeColor(value) value = Color(value) return value def _set_base_color(self, value): if value is not None: value = normalizers.normalizeColor(value) self._set_color(value)
[docs] def _get_color(self): """ This is the environment implementation of :attr:`BaseGuideline.color`. This must return a :ref:`type-color` or ``None``. The returned value will be normalized with :func:`normalizers.normalizeColor`. Subclasses must override this method. """ self.raiseNotImplementedError()
[docs] def _set_color(self, value): """ This is the environment implementation of :attr:`BaseGuideline.color`. **value** will be a :ref:`type-color` or ``None``. It will have been normalized with :func:`normalizers.normalizeColor`. Subclasses must override this method. """ self.raiseNotImplementedError()
# -------------- # Transformation # --------------
[docs] def _transformBy(self, matrix, **kwargs): """ This is the environment implementation of :meth:`BaseGuideline.transformBy`. **matrix** will be a :ref:`type-transformation`. that has been normalized with :func:`normalizers.normalizeTransformationMatrix`. Subclasses may override this method. """ t = transform.Transform(*matrix) # coordinates x, y = t.transformPoint((self.x, self.y)) self.x = x self.y = y # angle angle = math.radians(-self.angle) dx = math.cos(angle) dy = math.sin(angle) tdx, tdy = t.transformPoint((dx, dy)) ta = math.atan2(tdy - t[5], tdx - t[4]) self.angle = -math.degrees(ta)
# ------------- # Interpolation # ------------- compatibilityReporterClass = GuidelineCompatibilityReporter def isCompatible(self, other): """ Evaluate interpolation compatibility with **other**. :: >>> compatible, report = self.isCompatible(otherGuideline) >>> compatible True >>> compatible [Warning] Guideline: "xheight" + "cap_height" [Warning] Guideline: "xheight" has name xheight | "cap_height" has name cap_height This will return a ``bool`` indicating if the guideline is compatible for interpolation with **other** and a :ref:`type-string` of compatibility notes. """ return super(BaseGuideline, self).isCompatible(other, BaseGuideline) def _isCompatible(self, other, reporter): """ This is the environment implementation of :meth:`BaseGuideline.isCompatible`. Subclasses may override this method. """ guideline1 = self guideline2 = other # guideline names if != reporter.nameDifference = True reporter.warning = True # ------------- # Normalization # -------------
[docs] def round(self): """ Round the guideline's coordinate. >>> guideline.round() This applies to the following: * x * y It does not apply to * angle """ self._round()
[docs] def _round(self, **kwargs): """ This is the environment implementation of :meth:`BaseGuideline.round`. Subclasses may override this method. """ self.x = normalizers.normalizeVisualRounding(self.x) self.y = normalizers.normalizeVisualRounding(self.y)